Friday, May 23, 2008

something i cant forget in my life

one memorable occasion in my life that i will never forget is when i becoming a mother. it started that very night when the feeling before giving birth to my first prince charming was so unbearable. that night i cant do much it's all over my nerves. pain, exhausted, nervous, and all you can imagine during the time for you to give birth. i've been fighting the 'death' till the very moment of 6.05 am when finally the cutest little baby boy showing himself for the first time to the world. once i saw his face i felt so relief and i didnt realized that i was giving birth to a child. all the 'unnecessary' feelings are gone. no more pain only happiness and how grateful i am to the almighty. muhammad khaidir, you complete me as a is so wonderful moment in life of mummy.....