Tuesday, June 24, 2008
POSTER presentation
DRAMA presentation......
Now i'm become baiti again. In this drama 'Magic table, Magic Donkey and the stick' i'm hold the main character as the jealous woman. In the beginning, I don't like this character because I think it doesn't suitable with me. another thing is I don't have any experience in acting. Actually this is my first acting. I'm so nervous and shy. I'm very thankful to alex and miss Iza because they was teached me how did I can bring this character very well. to other actor and actress such as mr. Saadon, hafiq, alex, ilyas, izzah, cupin, azan, ammar, zaid, madi, anis, mami hajar and other supporting like the villagers, also the both couple.. What can say is you all have did the good job in this drama. I'm so proud to become one of fe43 family's. To the others who manage the probe , slide, and soundtrack, you all also did the good job. Thank you everyone. I love you all. I hope you also love me.. bye.. hope we can see each other again.. (^o^)/
Drama & Projeck
My group “Muntalaq” have been choose charter “ UKM Sustainable-Enhance Curriculum Programme” I choose this topic because curriculum is very important for student and everybody. About the project I tried to find about this information, the first time I thing project is very difficult for me because I don’t get information about this topic but I try to find and discuss with my friend in the group and I get a lot of idea so we can complet to our project.
To my friend “ Group Muntalaq”: thank you for everybody and everything in the group and I very happy and enjoy to made about this projeck. I think the projeck is very good for me.
Hi my friend and miss Iza, I think the drama is very best for me because when I back to home I tell to my house-mate about the drama her laugh and want to see the drama.
About the drama, the family live in the kampong pinang sebatang and have three son. The family is very poor and the son is try to help their family. One day the son tell to their father and their mother for go to work. The firs time, their mother dose not agree with their son because she love person very much but their mother is offer the son go to work. Finally his dream be come to because they can bring a lot of money and a lot of food back to home so the family is very happy. About the character in drama they act like the acter and actres.
In this drama I’m a couple to see the movie I tried to act the best for our drama presentation if I do the mistake for our friend I’m very sorry. When the practis drama we all have to the problem because we have short time but we can done the drama is very good and very best.
Dear miss Iza, thak you very much for everyting in the class and outside. After I come in the class and meet you I thought you can teach me to be brave speak English and English language is not difficult for me. I’m happy and enjoy to study in the class because our friend is very good for me…..
Bye…Bye.. See y next time… INSYAALLAH..
Frankly speaking, I'm happy and enjoy studying in this happening class. Thanks to miss Iza for the lesson and thanks to all my friends. you are always in my deeply heart. May Allah bless us..*)
Hi everyone....
The table, the donkey and the stick
Hi everyone…Today, weather is so good. The table, the donkey and the stick. What a great titled drama of our project. Actually I didn’t know how to say because everyone do their job with successfully. Alhamdulillah. My character is Hulk’s employee. Thanks to Huda because she gives her character to me. As a manager, I gave a magic stick to Hulk because he is hardworking. Is it true? Hulk knows the truth…Wakaka.
The stick will help Hulk when somebody is unkind to him. He has to say ‘Yiba-Yiba’ and the stick will hit them. To stop it, he has to say ‘Andrey-Andrey’. Thanks to Rusna, who give the idea. But Hulk gave me back the saw to continue his jobs. What a surprise! Until today, I had looked this drama for fourth. I gave full of supporting for this drama because this semester is final semester to me. So, I want to make a sweet dream before leaving UKM. Thanks to everyone
About poster presentation, my group Kapaks aka Axes viva about UKM SUSTAINABILITY TRANSPORTION FOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME. We choose bus for our focus because most of student in UKM especially girls, who use bus to go to the faculty or outside UKM. We discuss about five subtopics like introduction, sustainable (what UKM do now and further), the schedule, effects of environment and suggestion. Thanks to all members..Alex, bro Safar, Ustaz Ilyas and Zaid.
Finally, here I would like to thanks Miss Iza, lecturers who teach me in UKM, members of class fe43 and everyone. Also congratulations to everyone, who will be a graduate in August 2008. Bye..
Fairy Tales And UKM Lestari
My first step for this project was created and wrote the script’s drama. My friends (Asiah & Hasliza) and I worked together for that. Luckily, our own script was chosen (with others script that combined) and became an important parts of the drama. Thank you to Uncle (Mr. Saadon) for chose ours. We appreciate that.
Actually, my first character was ‘Hulk’s Employee’..I had played the character for twice, but I decided to give the play to other for a good reason, I think => And as the result, I became a villager with other villagers..
In this drama, I gave 99% participation and contributing.. Since our first rehearsel’s day till the end, I tried to give full of supportive and ALHAMDULILLAH, I had never missed the days because I am happy been part of the sweet memories.
For our group of villagers, I had suggested some idea to improve our performs to get better and more organizer, such as; what would we say (script), what would we wear and bring (prop) and ect. I also gave help the other characters with the script that how to make the long script be shorten and quite easy to mention and more easier to remember. And thanks to Pijah who incharge our prop that gave me the opportunities to help to create the prop’s materials.
To all of our actors and actresses and not forget to the crews on ‘behind the scene’..and to Alex, 'You are GOOD DIRECTOR'..also to Farhana, ‘Your slide show was great’. You all are fantastic and sporting..I’m really mean it… I’m really really enjoy this drama. All of you done great. Wow!! 2nd Place…em..not bad hah…=> CONGRATULATIONS!! K see you all again next time..
Super Power!!! Tadaan!! Paara Yappa!! Eeik Ook!! Yeba Yeba Andrey!! Dush Dush!!
UKM Sustainable-Enhance Curriculum Programme
I guaranted that each group faced their own problems on the way to make this project. MUNTALAQ also had problems which we can’t serve our information in Lestari web and on the beginning we were not really understand ‘how to make’ the poster. Luckily, for the next next trial with group and discussions with our instructor, we did it.
In this project, I gave 100% of my time. My friends and I studied and worked together to make our own tasks. This poster assist to 5 parts; information, translation, arrangement, printing and presentation). For my contributions, I did all these parts..and also my friends.
To Miss Iza; thanks to you for spent your time to check and correct our poster’s spelling and grammar. Also thanks to all of my group members for all of good cooperate. To Aisyah, thanks to you who been together with me for the second last part (printing), that we spent our time for 5-7 hours in the cyber-print shop.Oowhh...so tired and stressfull for waiting our turn coming…On the night, I have to prepare for the presentation and also test.
When the day come true, I did the test and the poster presentation as good as possible that I can. I enjoyed during the class presentation as our last day of FE43. To all my friends Aisyah, Asiah, Hasliza, Suraida and Azzad, thank you very much because we made the poster and present clearly together. I love you all..
Monday, June 23, 2008
Drama & Poster
I become an emproyee in the drama, I think I give 99.99% co-operation in this drama. When have a drama practice I will give some idea to improve our drama and give support to our actor. I think our drama is very interesting and funny. It can make audience happy and like it. I think in this drama have something not enough example like the prop and the backdrop. I think if we have more prop will make our drama more interesting and beutiful.
Project ( poster )
I am from group Blender. The topic of the poster is UKM Sustainable Solid Waste Management programme. I think I give 100% in this project. I try to find most of the information about this topic and I try to discuss with my group members. After discuss we can get a lot of new idea. To finish this poster is not easy, I take o long time to do this poster and it make me little bit stress. But I never give up to try it and lastly I can made a complete poster and I think this the best poster for me.
hello everybody....
about the drama and poster presentation, i will combine the rumusan together. it's ok kan miss?
i was really really really enjoy the drama. it is very good for being cooperate with all of u. .all of u done great.and i think i will really miss u all.. a lot....... especially the hulk hogan, war general abg saadon, the alex and also.................the members of class 43. and dont forget miss iza too.. dont forget to invite us when u want to get marry soon.heheh.drama dgn poster kira ok la miss. full mark ok..
if any of u miss me..if, u can see me at magd bangi..hehe.but no free aiskerim. datang 1 hb setiap bulan, aiskerim 50sen je..ok la. i want to write lg but i dont know how to write well in english.
this letter pun dah become rojak dahhhh.
and for the last......
all the best for all of u...bye bye.. muahhh
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My group (Flowers) choose a charter 'Sustainable UKM building and Infrastructure Programme' to present.. 1st, what we do to present this poster.. We find some information at internet about the charter.. We search in Institutes of Environment and Development (LESTARI) site and we try to understand what LESTARI do and already done to UKM building and infrastructure.. This is a content which I and my groups member present.. And then we search any pictures to symbolize our poster.. The picture including about building and infrastructure at UKM.. I take many picture in UKM and we choose together which suitable to make a poster.. After we find information and picture, we try to combine and make a draft to our poster.. We do our poster with adobe photoshop.. After we already finish our poster, we show to Mizz Iza to confirm that before we print the poster.. Then, Anis and Rusnah went to shop at in front of the UKM Komuter station and print the poster.. We are very satisfied with our poster and we prouded it because we succeed to done this task.. And now we already presented our poster.. I enjoyed during class presentation.. To my friends Anis A'fifah, Rusnah and Nurul Akma thank you very much because we made the poster together from beginning and the end.. I love you all.. Thanks to Mizz Iza because teached me about the poster and thanks to my classmate because listened my group presentation.. Good Luck for your Exam on 23rd June..
the fairy tales....
In this drama, I am not superhero such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Power Rengers, IronMan and so on…..but I am a human queer feeling fear….hahahaaha….the name is Hulk vocabulary to The Green Gains….Hulk is a last son in this family and live in Kampung Pinang Sebatang Kara Sahaja Agaknya and very cute…..hehehehehe (perasan la pulak die ni)…… This family is poor and all of son help their family……. David Beckham have a magic table workers is made tables, Prince Diana have a magic donkey workers is assistant her bos and Hulk is wood cutter and have a magic stick ……. I am say about character hulk only…..he have magic stick, his bos given to Hulk……… When somebody unkind to he, stick will help he just say trademark “YEbba-Yebba” and to stop it just say “ANdrey-ANdrey”…..with this stick he got magic table and magic donkey back……(kira Hero jugak la Hulk ni)…..(^-^)
The word cant I forget in this drama is so many…..if I remamber this word I will laugh and happy je….it is : something!, control emotion, Yebba-yebba, andrey-andrey, wauuuu! it so great, silent and others. like a crazy la pulak laugh sorang2
Overall in this drama is ok and and so nice…. I give five stars for group foundation 43……(dah macam gangstaz la pulak kacik star niee)….in this group I am so happy and I hope my friend can forgive me to all of my fall……:P
Lastly…….thanks for my friend : afiq, azan, azad, bro saadon, bro azren, bro safar, bro jasmie, bro dami, madi, amar, zaid, ilyas, mami hajar and all my woman friends (sori penat la nak taip name korang semue)……wait….wait……don’t forget for our lover sensei MISIZANURHIDAYAHBINTISULAIMAN kun…… forget in your pray….hahahahaah
That all……..
محمد الياس بن نوحين
My group name is Axes ala-ala Kapaxs, have five member team bands. It is Alex (solo), zaid (bass), Bro safar (Drummer), madi (guitar) and ilyas (piano). We all choose the charter : UKM SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME and just focus to bus in UKM.
In this project, my work is searching information about suggestion or opinion to improve the service bus in UKM. The information I am searching at internet and discuss and my bands. Other member group have works each and the lastly thanks for all friends and don’t forget me in your pray……have a nice days…. to sensei mis iza_chan...
tera nam : member of kapax team....
drama and project presentation
Saturday, June 21, 2008
our drama..
drama and poster presentation
Drama presentation.
Over all, i'm very satisfied with the coorperation that have been gave to me from all the group member and classmate, with that we finally done a great presentation. A very sincere thanks adress to lovely lecturer Miss Iza Nurhidayah for the advice and lesson through all the class. May Allah bless you and thanks once again bit to all..I always missed our memorize..:p
Firstly, for the drama presentation, i'm very proud with our presentation. Over all, i'm very satisfied. In the drama with title "THE MAGIC TABLE, DONKEY AND STICK", i'm acting as the magic table that can produce various type of wonderfull food. Even though it's like look like an easy job but it's really though to do it.
I'm very thankful to all my classmate for the support that they gave and also not forgotten to my lovely lecturer Miss Iza Nurhidayah because give us a good lesson and advice from the beginning until the last. May God bless all of us. Thank you again..:p
Drama Presentation
Poster Project
Friday, June 20, 2008
In the drama, I act as a village man character only. Even though not as a main character it is not easy to be a village man because the character must be act aggressively. I am very happy with the character because I can feel experience of a village experience despite I live in a urban area. I am happy to wear a village headgear.
During the drama training I also act as another character to substitute my group members who can not come to training I hope one day I would have an opportunity to act as a main character. I hope I will get a good result in my English foundation subject because I have done my best.
The group director is Alex, Alex is very good when directing and has experience in performing drama. Everybody love Alex because he is strict and friendly. Even though we lost our original director but Alex manage to supervised us very excellent. All the group members give their cooperation during the training.
We achieved second placed but all of us satisfied. We learned many things from the drama and had chance to know each other. We hope that one day we will perform a drama again and improve our English language. It is a experience we would never forget for the rest of our live.
I have already go to HUKM by ambulance and this is a first time in my life. when I’m arrive at hospital, the duty staff give a emergency treatment to me. After that, they was already to clean my body and face from blood.
At the same time, I’m feel very pain until I think my life in the end. While at the emergency room I get to see a young man in Sakaratulmaut. The young man also get an accident a same like me, but he got more injury from me until his die.
Everyone have a dream house, my dream house is a double-storey with a fully furniture and all amenity. The colour of my dream house is blue or purple.
Than my house design and structure is created by professional and experience architect. The court-yard of my house have a mini garden and pool with many fish on there and decorated many flowers from different type and colours.
For security and safety, I’m dreaming a house has CCTV system at all side and space. And then inside my house has a mini library that equipped with many book and magazine from local and other country. The mini library also has a internet connected for help to get more information.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My poster project
My sketch presentation
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Drama presentation.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Petronas Twin Tower
In an unusual move, a different construction company was hired for each of the towers. According to both a National Geographic documentary and a Korean newspaper, Tower 2 was successfully completed by Samsung Constructions, Kukdong Engineering & Construction (both of South Korea). However, the builders of Tower 1, Hazama Corporation (Japan), ran into problems when they discovered the structure was 25 millimeters off from vertical[6] [7]. The shopping mall beneath both towers was constructed by Birmingham, Alabama-based Bill Harbert International.
Due to a lack of steel and the huge cost of importing steel, the towers were constructed on a cheaper radical design of super high-strength reinforced concrete. High-strength concrete is a material familiar to Asian contractors and twice as effective as steel in sway reduction; however, it makes the building twice as heavy on its foundation than a comparable steel building. Supported by 23-by-23 meter concrete cores and an outer ring of widely-spaced super columns, the towers use a sophisticated structural system that accommodates its slender profile and provides from 1300 to 2000 square metres of column-free office space per floor.
Below the twin towers is Suria KLCC, a popular shopping mall, and Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, the home of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra.
Petronas, Malaysia's national oil company, set out to build the world's tallest building. Although other buildings such as the Sears Tower have higher occupied floors, a higher antenna, and a higher roof, the Petronas Twin Towers' spires are classified as architectural details and rise to 452 m (1483 feet), giving it the greatest structural height until Taipei 101. Taking advantage of the rules governing building measurements (counting spires but not antennas) has generated controversy over the towers' claim to the title. However, the tradition of including the spire on top of a building and not including the antenna dates back to the rivalry between the Chrysler Building and the 40 Wall Street.
Other buildings have used spires to increase their height but have always been taller overall to the pinnacle when trying to claim the title. In the aftermath of the controversy, the rules governing official titles were partially overhauled, and a number of buildings re-classified structural antenna as architectural details to boost their height rating (even though nothing was actually done to the building).
my dream Houses..
On day I hope I will build my dreams house in the future. For now I have my own terrace when the price increase I will sell the terrace and buy a land and build my dreams house in Selangor my home town
Drama Presentation
My Dreams House
I am village boy so my dreams house is village style. It’s not full traditional but just the concept and their environment. I’ll make my house with wood, steel and glass. For basic structure I use steel and metal, for wall and floor I use glass and wood to keep my house in feel nice condition however, we stay at daylight because wind can flow in house. Inside my house I’ll use modern concept for living room, dining room and kitchen. In the bathroom and washroom I’ll use marble for all finishing. My house had five rooms it because I have a big family so if my family came to visit me they don’t have any problem to stay in my house.
My house not too big but land for my yard quit wide. My front yard, I’ll build pond for my fish because like to watch fish when their swim, it’s can make I feel better. My side yard I’ll plant bamboo tree and my back yard are for my rabbit and small garden. I like gardening but just a little bit, I also like have a rabbit or cat but I choose rabbit because it easy to care. A round my house I also put a wall because I dislike outsider look up for my daily activities, I like my to share my own privacy life just for my family and my friends.
I hope I’ll build my dreams house in the future. For now I have my own mid-cost apartment when the price increase I’ll sell the apartment and buy a land and build my dreams house in Terengganu my home town.
Why I Choose Petronas Twin Tower???
I choose because the Petronas Twin Tower were the tallest buildings in the world until Taipei 101, as measured to the top of their structural components (spires, but not antennas), took over the record. Besides that, it has a resemble motifs found in islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion religion. They were built on the site of Kuala Lumpur's race track. Below the twin towers also has Suria KLCC which it is a popular shopping mall, and Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, the home of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. During school holiday, i bring up my family to visited the Petronas Twin tower. I love Malaysian very much..
Petronas Twin Towers
Thursday, June 12, 2008
something that i can forget
Something that I can forget is my sweet memory in my life. That is my wedding. I was weds on 25 May 2007. That day, I was a princess and everybody looked at me.In the morning I woke up and go to breakfast. All my cousin, family and my close friend came in to my house. They are wanted to see me, wished, and gave me present. After that, I take a bath and get ready.After we all ready, we all go to ‘Dewan Persidangan Junior’ that my wedding will be held there. We have prepared and waited for catering, souvenir, technical and everything. I have to make up and wear dress in the room beside the Dewan. ‘Mak Andam’ came and did their work. I just gave my face and slept. After 2 hours, my face was done. I was wears ‘Baju Pengantin’. It was make me felt beautiful.After that, my husband and I entered to the Dewan and walked slowly to stage. The music played was ‘Caklempong’. At the stage we sat and the MC called the ‘Ustaz’ to recrite doa’. Next, the’ Tepung Tawar’, and a lot of friend, family was there.After that, we ate that called ‘Makan Beradap’. When I and my husband ate, the screen played the pictures of my husband and I was young, primary school, high school, engaged and so on.We have to change our clothes to cut the cake. I wear white gown. We slowly go the center of the stage. The Band was played and sang a romantic song. We took the pictures with family, friend.Finally, the event was end. My husband and I have to ‘Salam’ to the guests and gave them souvenir. I was so proud, happy and felt that was my day. And I never forget that moment.
empire state building in new york
I choose the empire state building in New York because it is a nice place to visit. It is the higher building and from the top, we can see the city surrounding of New York. At the higher place, it a bit colder and we can took a photograph.
The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972.[citation needed] Following the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, the Empire State Building again became the tallest building in New York City.
The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The building and its street floor interior are designated landmarks of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Board of Estimate.[6] It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1986.[4][7][8] In 2007, it was ranked number one on the List of America's Favorite Architecture according to the AIA. The building is owned and managed by W&H Properties.
History of the building
The present site of the Empire State Building was first developed as the John Thomson Farm in the late 18th century. At the time, a stream ran across the site, emptying into Sunfish Pond, located a block away. The block was occupied by the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in the late 19th century, and was frequented by The Four Hundred, the social elite of New York.
[edit] Design and Construction
The Empire State Building was designed by Gregory Johnson and his architectural firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, which produced the building drawings in just two weeks, using its earlier design for the Carew Tower in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a basis.[10] The building was actually designed from the top down.[11] The general contractors were Starrett Brothers and Eken, and the project was financed by John J. Raskob. The construction company was chaired by Alfred E. Smith, a former Governor of New York.[2]
Excavation of the site began on January 22, 1930, and construction on the building itself started symbolically on March 17—St.Patrick's Day—per Al Smith's influence as Empire State, Inc. president. The project involved 3,400 workers, mostly immigrants from Europe, along with hundreds of Mohawk iron workers, mainly from the Kahnawake reserve near Montreal. According to official accounts, five workers died during the construction.[12] Governor Smith's grandchildren cut the ribbon on May 1, 1931.
The construction was part of an intense competition in New York for the title of the world's tallest building. Two other projects fighting for the title, 40 Wall Street and the Chrysler Building, were still under construction when work began on the Empire State Building. Each would hold the title for less than a year, as the Empire State Building would surpass them upon its completion, just 410 days after construction commenced. The building was officially opened on May 1, 1931 in dramatic fashion, when United States President Herbert Hoover turned on the building's lights with the push of a button from Washington, D.C. Ironically, the first use of tower lights atop the Empire State Building, the following year, was for the purpose of signalling the victory of Franklin D. Roosevelt over Hoover in the presidential election of November 1932
The Empire State Building rises to 1,250 feet (381.0 m) at the 102nd floor, and including the 203-foot (62 m) pinnacle, its full height reaches 1453 feet and 8 9/16th inches (443 m). The building has 85 stories of commercial and office space (2,158,000 sq ft/200,000 m) and an indoor and outdoor observation deck on the 86th floor. The remaining 16 stories represent the Art Deco tower, which is capped by a 102nd-floor observatory. Atop the tower is the 203-foot (62 m) pinnacle, much of which is covered by broadcast antennas, with a lightning rod at the very top.
The Empire State Building was the first building to have more than 100 floors. It has 6,500 windows and 73 elevators, and there are 1,860 steps from street level to the 102nd floor. It has a total floor area of approximately 2,768,591 square feet (257,000 m²); the base of the Empire State Building is about 2 acres (0.8 ha). The building houses 1,000 businesses, and has its own zip code, 10118. As of 2007, approximately 21,000 employees work in the building each day, making the Empire State Building the second-largest single office complex in America, after the Pentagon. The building was completed in one year and 45 days. Its original 64 elevators are located in a central core; today, the Empire State Building has 73 elevators in all, including service elevators. It takes less than one minute by elevator to get to the 86th floor, where an observation deck is located. The building has 70 miles (113 km) of pipe and 2,500,000 feet (760,000 m) of electrical wire.[23] It is heated by low-pressure steam; despite its height, the building only requires between two and three pounds per square inch (0.14 to 0.21 kg. per cm²) of steam pressure for heating. It weighs approximately 370,000 short tons (336,000 M/T).The Empire State Building cost $40,948,900 to build.
A series of setbacks causes the building to taper with height.
Unlike most of today's high-rise buildings, the Empire State Building features a classic façade. The modernistic stainless steel canopies of the entrances on 33rd and 34th Streets lead to two story-high corridors around the elevator core, crossed by stainless steel and glass-enclosed bridges at the second-floor level. The elevator core contains 67 elevators.[6]
The lobby is three stories high and features an aluminum relief of the skyscraper without the antenna, which was not added to the spire until 1952. The north corridor contains eight illuminated panels, created by Roy Sparkia and Renée Nemorov in 1963, depicting the building as the Eighth Wonder of the World, alongside the traditional seven.
Long-term forecasting of the life cycle of the structure was implemented at the design phase to ensure that the building's future intended uses were not restricted by the requirements of previous generations. This is particularly evident in the over-design of the building's electrical system
my dream house
All of people have a dream about their house, included me. I always think about my dream home when I was child hood. Now, I try to get my dream home.
Actually, my dream home no need too big or exclusives. But it is comfortable and for my family and I to stay.
For example, I like semi detached home. It has a place surround house and I can make a small garden to relax with my family. I want to put table and chair outside house. So, at the evening, I can relax while I drink fresh orange.
And the back of the house, I can plant chilies, lemon grass, curry leaf and so on. So, when I want to cook, I just pluck whatever I want.I also want to make a small pond to take care of my fish. On the top of the pond, I can put ‘kiambang flower’. At the side I want to put place of my bunny.
In my house, I like the modern style. Simple and organize. I can also put big mirror at dining room. It is also good for ‘Feng shui’.I don’t like open kitchen because sometimes we make a kitchen a bit messy when cooking.
That’s all bout my dream house. I hope my dream come true.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Blue Mosque
The Blue Mosque is one of the most prominent landmarks of Istanbul, especially when viewed from the First Hill or from the Asian shore of the Sea of Marmara. The located in of the mosque is just opposite of the splendid Church of Hagia.
The Blue Mosque was founded by Sultan Ahmet I. He ordered Architect Mehmed Aga to begin constuction in 1609 and the whole complex was completed in 1616. The style of the building splendid by the perfect proportion of domes and semidomes as well as the splendid minarets. The mosque has 260 windows which let the sunlight diffuse into the building quite nicely. They were filled with stained-glass in early 17C but they were restored later. The pulpit and nave is worth seeing, made of marble and originals. When visiting the Blue Mosque, one should remember the prayer times, five times a day. First one in the very early in morning, second at noon time, third in afternon, fourth in evening and last fifth before going to bed. The mosque is closed at prayer times for 1-1.5 hours. One should prefer to visit the mosque in the morning or before 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon because the prayer times rotate according to the sun's positions
Why I choose the the Blue Mosque in Istanbul ?
I choose The Blue Mosque because the mosque indicates to Islamic place. It looks honor and the old building is very beautiful in the world. When I looked the mosque I also thought about the history of the important persons of Islam.
My Dream House
I dream to have a simple house, it is not too big, and it is two-story house. There are a kitchen and a living room in the first floor. In second floor, there are two bedrooms and a praying room. I dream to build it in my village because I need to live together with my family and relatives. Around the house have the flower garden and behind the house have the tropical fruits. I want to live far from the people’s house because I do not like the crowd. I hope my dream become true………hi3. hi3. hi3… Insyaallah.
my dream house

When I was a kid, I always dream of a house made of wood and bricks. In front of my house, there is a small garden. This small garden has variety colours of flowers. It's a very beautiful garden.
Every evening, i will playing hide and seek with my brothers dan sisters around the garden. There is a garage near my house and a small lake beside the garage.
Inside my house, must have five bedrooms (actually for my parents, my siblings and i), dining rooms, restrooms and a big kitchen. so..i can walk and play around my house withaut any restriction from anyone.
But now, when I grow up and matured enough to know the real thing about life, I have change my view, what I want for my future is the simple life. The life that I can give something to Islam, insyaAllah..
In my future house must have a library rooms with many of books and kitab that I can read and tarbiyah my family such as Islam need..amin..
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Blue Mosque and My Dream House
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultanahmet Camii) is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1299 to 1923). The mosque is one of several mosques known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built between 1609 and 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Like many other mosques, it also comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrasah and a hospice. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque has become one of the greatest tourist attractions of Istanbul.
Spacious built-up from 2,278 sq. ft.(Aster Phase 1)
Contemporary elegant designs with four bedrooms and four bathrooms
Large living, dining and kitchen for ideal family space and comfort
Quality fitting & finishing
Burj Dubai
My Dream House
My dream house is a simple and comfortable for my family. I don't want a big house like a celebrity, politician and businessman because or me house is a place that to take a rest.Most important thing is the house is near to the mosque, school and hospital. Because this is simple facilities and people use it almost everyday. The style is modern and mix traditional because i want to continue Malay house heritage. The house has 4 bedrooms, 1 prayer room, 3 bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen. On the compound of my house, it has a small garden and pond. So that i can refresh my mind after work a day. I hope my dream will come true. One day for sure...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
tHe BluE MosQue iN IsTaNBuLLL.....
Firstly, mosque it is a honuor place in world. Like what the prophet said : “the best land is a mosques and the bad land is markets”. And why I’m chooses the Blue Mosque, because it is a old build and the beautiful mosque in the world.
· Building : Blue Mosque in Istanbul
· Build by : Sedefhar Mehmed Aga
· Locate : Church of Hagia Sophia
· Date : 1609-1616
· Building type : Islamic style
· Made of : The mosque is all surrounded by beautiful 17C Iznik tiles which give its name to
the Blue Mosque. The gate is a typical Seljuk- Turkish wooden work with a
geometrical design in its center. The marble comes from the Island of Marmara
(the Turkish word for marble ,"Mermer" comes from Marmara).
· Style : Turkish Art
· Other information : have 6 minaret, The mosque has 260 windows which let the sunlight
diffuse into the building quite nicely
Actually I don’t have a dream house, but I like the Traditional House however the world prefer to have modern building. For me, the traditional home is very beautiful and I like the design very much. The traditional home is a symbol of culture Malaysian and the design very creative. And one thing very important in my life, I like the surrounding in village and the environment. In the future I must have a house although it isn’t the traditional house….that all…
Friday, June 6, 2008
Blue Mosque-Istanbul
The mosque is located in the centre of the complex and referred to by foreigners as "The Blue Mosque" on account of the roughly 20,000 blue glazed tiles which cover its exterior. The main dome of the mosque is 34 meters in diameter, rises to a height of 43 meters above ground level and rests upon four massive pillars five metres in diameter. Four half domes also support the main dome. The mosque is five stories high from ground level to the top of the dome and is illuminated by 260 stained-glass windows.
The marble 'mimber', or pulpit, features mother-of-pearl relief; striking chandeliers hang from the dome. In the north west cormer of the complex is a mousoleum. A medresse is located near the tomb and functions as an archive today. A primary school is attached to the wall of the inner courtyard of the mosque. There is a fountain and shops on the ground floor of the school and classrooms on the top floor. The last structure on the kiblah side is an 'arasta' - a row of shops of the same trade.
My Dream House
The A'Famosa

Im so proud of it because the fort makes Melaka well known all over the world. My former secondary school also using the fort picture as their school badge.