Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Something that I can't forget in my life

At 8.00a.m in monday morning, my heart was beat up so fast.I'm not too brave to send this message. I was thought so many thing that maybe will happen. Is it this message will give me a bad news, then i feel sad. I was worried if I dissappointed my parents and make them feel down. I'm so afraid.
When I was a kid, I'm not an excellent or a clever one in study. I always get the worst result and my class in ranking third last since I was in primary school untill secondary school. After finishing, the secondary school, I get an offer to continue my study in Johor Matriculation.
In matric, I was studied so hard. I pay attention in lecture hall and not talking to my friend. If I can not understand some topic, I will find the lecturer and ask them. I push my self not to give up and every free time i do the revision. Sometime, I make a group discussion to discuss any we don't understand.
One year, I'm at Matriculation. I already past the first and second semester final exam. Now, I'm just waiting for my result. At 25 Mei 2007, 8.00 a.m in monday morning , i feel so scared and can't to calm down. I talked to myself to be passion and calm.At 8.15 a.m, I'm already have a little strength to send this message.
A few minutes after that, I get the reply. That time my heart was beat up more fast than before. I'm afraid to open this message but I must to do this because it will make sure what course I will take in University. I open and read the message. I was shocked because I did not expect taht I can get pointer 3.83. I was so very happy and it was the thing that I can't forget in my life.

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