Monday, May 26, 2008


Many people have something cannot forgot in their life. I also have something that I cannot forgot in my life. It’s happen when I am in year three. This is the funny story.

When I am in year three at Sekolah Kebangsaan Beseri in Perlis, I meet one boy in my class. The boys name is Daud. One day, the boy give me a letter. He put the letter in my desk. I read and tell me that he likes me and want to make me as his girlfriend. I am not interest because I am so young to think about that. So, I don’t care about that letter and Daud. After three day, I was shock when I see he come to my house with their friend. He shout that he loves me and want me to accept her offer. I was shock and cannot believe that. Then, I tell my mother and my mother was angry. She shout to them and ask them to back home. They run quickly. I and my mother was laugh. The next day, I meet him in the class and say sorry. He also say sorry to me and promise not do that anymore. Then, we are friends until now.

Now, I still connect and sometimes hang out with him. When we talk about that, we laugh together when remember that. We can believe that happen. I cannot forgot that story until the end of my life.


cupin said...

i'm interest with your story, but pronoun that you use is not correct. for the boy or man you must use he, his or him not her. okay, remember.....

zaid said...
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akma said...

tq, cupin 4 ur comment. i" really appreciate that.